My education: My seed of hope
Inclusive education in rural areas of Cameroon
Conflicts in the northwestern and southwestern areas of Cameroon let the population density increase in rural areas. Low-income families with many children do not have the financial means to send all their children to school. Because of poverty children have insufficient or no textbooks. Teachers meat poor working conditions with low salaries, lack of infrastructure and insufficient teaching materials.
Schooling orphans in rural areas in Cameroon
Purchase of school supplies for the orphans
Countable effort
Help to improve learning conditions, followed by increased number of schooled children and enhancing of children's academic success.
Improving learning conditions, followed by increased number of schooled children and enhancing of children's academic success
Systemic effect
Help providing high quality education for children in rural areas in order to make them become potential contributors to the development of the country.
The lack of adequate school materials is one of the main factors of failure, poor performance and school dropout among children in rural areas along with the costs for the children's education which is for many rural families a barrier to sending their children to school. ASSACC wants to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations of the rural areas with an inclusive education of quality. The trivialization of school in rural areas is one of the main causes of non-inclusive education. Unemployment and underemployment of parents is another reason. There is a lack of qualified teachers in rural schools. Children are the most vulnerable affected in this situation.
The good deed
ASSACC is sponsoring the schooling of orphaned children in the west rural area of the country. We are also sponsoring teachers’ salaries to make sure that the children are getting the academic support that they need. The success of these children will change the narrative about education in rural areas. The children’s success will bring more awareness to the potential of those forgotten children and will show the great contribution they can bring to the development of their areas and their country.

About Bandjoun, Cameroon

Our GOOD DEED takes place in the West Region of Cameroon. Bandjoun is the capital of the Koung-Khi department.

27,224,262 (2021)

43% of the land area in Cameroon is forest area.

64,6 % of the population have access to electricity.
The official languages spoken in Cameroon are French and English but there at least 250 languages spoken in the country. It is geographically and culturally diverse.
About the organization and further information