Educate a woman, empower a society
Lack of basic literacy skills for adult women in Pakistan
One of Pakistan’s most influential and creative minds, Allama Iqbal, often shares his poetry noting that teachers are the healers and most influential beings who can change the fate of a nation. The revival of society is only possible if its teachers are devoted to nourishing minds. The Citizen’s Foundation, Canada (TCF) provides learners, both young and old, the opportunity to receive an education. Adult women are seeing the realities of the world, outside of their town walls and continuing to push through, becoming integral members of society, and inspiring a generation of future leaders. TCF strives to create new paths for women and their children, turning unfortunate circumstances into new possibilities for the future, through the power of education.
Basic literacy and numeracy classes for adult learners in rural areas of Pakistan
TCF works to eradicate illiteracy, one reading and writing lesson at a time.
Countable effort
Adult women learning how to read, write and do basic math
Empowering women to become integral members of society - as decision and policy makers within family and the outer community
Systemic effect
Breaking the cycle of illiteracy, inspiring generations of new female learners
TCF not only takes children off the streets and puts them in school with textbooks, uniforms, and a safe place to learn, our Aagahi program provides illiterate adult women the opportunity to learn functional literacy and math skills leading to an enormous impact on the community. The word Aagahi is translated from Urdu, meaning Awareness. This program opens the eyes and minds of our adult learners to be aware of what’s happening in society and how they can begin taking part in a meaningful way. Being able to read bus numbers and road signs, to calculating change they are owed in simple transactions; the impact of literacy dramatically improves their daily lives. The women are more self-confident, more aware and involved in their children’s education and upbringing at home. They are empowered to break the cycle of illiteracy inspiring a new generation of learners. To date, TCF’s Aagahi program has helped educate 160,000 women and has opened 4,300 education centers. TCF hopes to increase the number of Aagahi sessions offered annually and have this program running across all TCF schools.
The good deed
Adult learners have the option of taking a four-month long program understanding basic literacy and math skills creating a future with possibilities never thought of before, in January and September. To date, TCF has educated 160,000 women. The investment in a woman’s future pays off in numerous ways. Educated women raise stronger and healthier families, who in turn will continue to get educated and diminish the cycle of illiteracy. By teaching a woman to read, we’re giving her the opportunity to be a game-changer, a valued member of society and challenge gender norms that have been outlined forcefully for years within rural parts of the country. Education is a right. Providing sustainable learning environments, we enable these women to achieve their full potential, fulfill their dreams and become agents of positive change.

About Pakistan

Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.

220,892,340 (2020)

Per capita GDP
1,997 CA$ (2021)

HDI 0,557
placed Pakistan 154th out of 189 countries
At 17 years old, the youngest Nobel peace prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, an activist for female and child education rights, is from Swat Valley, Pakistan.
About the organization and further information
Further information and source
- • Bureau of International Information Programs, United States Department of State, 2012, Global Women's Issues: Women in the World Today, United States.
- • Khan, A et. al, 2016. The Citizens Foundation: Best Practice in Girls' Enrolment in Pakistan. UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI), Pakistan
- • The Citizens Foundation, 2021, Annual Report, Pakistan