Helping Haitian families have better health through clean water
Haiti is a beautiful, complex nation. It has a deep history as the world’s only black republic founded off a slave revolt. Haitians are proud, resourceful, and have endured through repeated hardships that many of us wouldn’t know what to do with. While all these things are true, Haiti also struggles with access to basic resources, like treated water. Daily, most families battle water-borne diseases that are completely preventable, and medical resources are limited, putting families at a great risk of illness or even death.
Protection from Cholera and other water-borne diseases for families in Haiti
Build and install biosand water filters at the household level to give families control over the water they consume.
Countable effort
Every GOOD DEED will help the CWH Foundation provide a family with safe drinking water by providing access to household water filters.
Families will be provided with immediate protection from Cholera and other water-borne illnesses.
Systemic effect
Over time families will see a reduction of illness and experience better health overall, while also having peace of mind.
Most of Haiti’s water sources are contaminated, and there is no government or local infrastructure to provide treated water to communities. Each family is responsible for securing their own source of treated water, but with Haiti’s increased political strife and insecurity, this is getting more and more difficult by the day. Add to that a severe lack of medical resources, and families are left to fend for themselves when illness strikes. Along with a variety of water-borne diseases that have been present in Haiti for generations. Cholera was introduced in the past decade, and is once again on the rise. Haitian families need a way to create safe drinking water in their homes in order to protect their health.
The good deed
The CWH Foundation exists to provide the resources for our team in Haiti to build and install biosand filters in Haitian homes. All of our filters are built in country with locally sourced materials, and by local Haitians. We work with a network of community leaders to promote and sell the filters through our subsidized filter program. Your GOOD DEED will help provide clean drinking water, helping to prevent the spread of Cholera and other water-borne diseases. When a family has safe drinking water there is a noticeable improvement in their overall health. Along with that we see a higher level of nutrition and income in the homes because families are spending less on medical needs and more on healthy food that their bodies are able to process well. Kids are able to attend school more regularly, and parents can work and provide for their families. We’re empowering families to be more self-sufficient and healthier.

About Ouest and Artibonite Departments, Haiti

Capital of Haiti
Port au Prince

Population Haiti
11,724,763 million

GDP per capita
3,305 CAD$
165th of 192 countries
(World Bank 2022)<

HDI 0,535
163rd rank together with Nigeria of 191 countries
The Artibonite and Ouest Departments are the largest in the country, with roughly 1/3 of Haiti’s entire population living in predominantly rural communities.
About the organization and further information
CWH Foundation
Further information and source
- • Haitian Popular News Agency, January 6, 2022. Haiti enters 2022 struggling with cost of living increases, lack of drinking water. The Peoples Dispatch,
- • World Health Organization, December 13, 2022. Disease Outbreak News; Cholera - Haiti, World Health Organization,
- • Ndiaga Seck et al, October 4, 2022. Press Release; Amidst insecurity in Haiti, new cholera upsurge puts 1.2 million children at risk. UNICEF, Haiti, New York, Latin America